Saving FLY and KML/KMZ Layers

FLY files are loaded as groups and like all other groups can be saved to a shapefile, FLY, or KML/KMZ file. SeeConverting Groups to Layers” in the “Using the Project Tree” chapter.

KML/KMZ files can be saved to these same formats, i.e., shapefile, FLY, or KML/KMZ or converted to a group.

To save layer changes to the original source file:

Note:    Only KML/KMZ files that were created by TerraExplorer (by exporting a layer or project to KML/KMZ) can be saved to the original file.

§  In the Project Tree, right-click the required layer and select the Save Layer from the shortcut menu.


To save a KML/KMZ layer to a new file:

1.     In the Project Tree, right-click the required group or layer, point to Export Layer and select Save as from the shortcut menu. The Save As dialog is displayed.

2.     Browse to the required Save location and in the File name field, enter the file name.

3.     From the Save as type dropdown list, select the file type.

4.     Click Save.

5.     If saving to a shapefile, the Export dialog is displayed. Enter the required parameters and click Export. SeeExport to Shapefile Dialog” in the “Using the Project Tree” chapter for information.

To convert a KML/KMZ layer to a group:

1.     In the Project Tree, right-click the required group or layer, point to Export Layer and select Convert to Group from the shortcut menu. A dialog is displayed warning that all layer settings will be lost if the layer is converted to a group.

2.     Click Yes to convert the layer to a group, or No to cancel.